
The aim of the Open Peer Review Podcast is to demonstrate how a podcast might be used by scholars and researchers as part of the pathway to a peer-reviewed research output, such as a published journal paper.

Each episode focuses on one particular research project. A peer reviewer — an expert in the same field — joins the researcher to discuss the project in progress: what the goal of the research is, what methodologies were used, and what the implications are.

By using the conversational approach afforded by podcasting, the research is made accessible to a non-academic audience, while at the same time the researcher has an opportunity to unpack their ideas with the peer reviewer in real time. This process can help guide the researcher toward a more fulsome, refined research output.

Principal Investigator

Photo of Lori Beckstead

Lori Beckstead is an Associate Professor in the RTA School of Media at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She teaches courses in sound media, covering sound design, podcasting, radio, soundscapes & acoustic ecology, sound art, documentary, and broadcast journalism. Her research areas include diversity in media, women in media, podcasting, and podcasts as research output.

Research Assistants

Photo of Anna Ashitey

Anna Ashitey is currently in her fourth year of a Bachelor of Media Production in the RTA School of Media at Ryerson University. As a research assistant, Anna has worked alongside Lori Beckstead on research projects pertaining to Podcasting and Women in Radio. Anna hopes to further her academic career by completing her masters in research on podcasting as an education tool for children with learning accommodations.

Photo of Valentina Passos Gastaldo

Valentina Passos Gastaldo is a fourth-year Media Production undergraduate student in the RTA School of Media at Ryerson University. She is Lori Beckstead’s research assistant for the ‘Podcasting as Open Peer Review’ project and she hopes to focus her continuing studies on the uses of digital media for scientific knowledge production and research dissemination.

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